Scratch: Playing a Brick Breaker

I love to download Brick Breaker game in my mobile to play. It is fun and exciting with this simple game. How about we try to make brick breaker in Scratch? Let explore the game creation.

Create A Brick Breaker Game

brick breaker
brick breaker
  1. In the game, we need tennis ball, brick and paddle.
  2. Create a Tennis Ball to have it move around.
  3. Set the tennis move 10 steps if on edge then bounce.
  4. If touch paddle sprite, broadcast bounce.
  5. Bounce event is 180 – direction, this direction is when the bounce hit the brick angle. Then move x by 10 steps.
  6. Check if the ball goes less than y position -140, which is lower than the paddle, then broadcast game over.
tennis ball code
tennis ball code
  1. In the paddle code, set the rotation style to don’t rotate.
  2. Move the paddle to mouse pointer and move x step by 10. Keep the y position at -140.
paddle code
paddle code
  1. Set the score to 0.
  2. Generate a bricks of 4 rows and 7 columns.
  3. Set X to -200 and change y to -30 at each rows.
  4. When the ball hit the brick, add the score by 1 and broadcast bounce.
brick code
brick code
  1. Game over sprite and show when game over event is triggered.
game over2
game over2
  1. Set the Win sprite when Score hit 28 and stop all script.
Win code
Win code

In summary, let play the game and try the bricks hit by the tennis ball with paddle.

brick breaker game demo
brick breaker game demo

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day.

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